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Celebrate Your Progress

2020 has been quite the ride. Our entire lives have been a journey filled with highs and lows. I'm certain that even when 2021 comes around, it won't be without its own challenges. So, why not celebrate where we are now?

We should celebrate how far we've come. Maybe you made some progress as an entrepreneur or a content creator, maybe you started a new job, or you're succeeding at your current one, maybe you're just taking better care of yourself, or maybe you're simply better than who you were yesterday? These are all reasons enough to be grateful for your progress.

It's easy to look at your life and think that what you have and where you are is not enough.

But, today, I'm encouraging you to look at your situation and believe that it is enough. Believe that you're right where you are supposed to be and that our Father in Heaven is working things together for our good. And if you're feeling doubtful, look back at what David and Joseph went through. They all had trials in their life; David and Joseph have both experienced things that didn't look like they were making progress, but in the grand scheme of things, they were,e and so are you.

So hold on to your faith and trust that God is celebrating your progress, and so should you. Stay within the covering of the shepherd, and the shepherd will never lead you astray.


Lord, things haven't been perfect, and I don't know if my life is where it's supposed to be, but I look to you and trust that you are making all things perfect and new. I trust that you have me right where I'm supposed to be. Father, help my unbelief and soften my heart so I can truly experience gratitude for the progress that I have made. And may my vision never be limited to a list of my goals but rather may it expand to a list of your goals. In Jesus name, Amen!


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