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6 Practical Tips to Cultivate a Meaningful Prayer Life

Prayer is such a significant part of our Christian life - this, I'm sure we all know. So, why do people always repeat this sentiment over and over again? I think it's because prayer is too important to not make it a focal point of how we are to live our lives. Prayer isn't just about our questions or needs being answered; there's so much more that it produces for us.

I like to think of it as the key to the solution center (GOD, JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT). Keys are what grant us access, and when we have the key to the solution center we have access to the Solution, and that now gives a hub of results.

If prayer is the key, then we need to use it to be granted access. Without praying the key can't be used and our access to the Solution and results becomes unreachable.

Because we talk about prayer so much you would think it would come naturally to everyone and that anyone who says they're a child of God wouldn't have a hard time praying, talkless of incorporating this into their everyday life. Unfortunately, what I've found is that it's always easier said than done, likely because prayer is a spiritual act and so our flesh and the world (our lives & responsibilities) are always in contention with our spiritual lives.

But, that's okay because where we are weak God makes us strong and the most practical way to think about how God makes us strong is to understand that He's given us access to tools that will make us strong. The main tool I want to focus on today is discipline. An abundant prayer life that produces results requires discipline.

Discipline is a fruit of discipleship. It's what produces a life of substance for the ones who followed Jesus. This discipline will lead us into a life of substance also, but we have to be diligent in the way we pray to see real results. Our prayer life has to carry meaning, when it carries meaning it carries weight.

So how can you begin to cultivate a meaningful prayer life?

Here are 6 Practical Ways to get you started:

  1. Take the pressure off & embrace the different tones that prayer can take you: Conversational -- Assertive -- Optimistic -- Formal -- Authoritative -- Humorous

  2. Keep the scriptures handy: Praying prayers backed by God's word gives you legs to stand on. Because God is responsive to His scriptures and He's a man of His word.

  3. Remember and reference the Lord's Prayer: Jesus taught us how to pray and with good reason, we need to be reminded that it doesn't have to be complicated and we also have to remember the foundations of praying as righteous people. These aren't just pretty words that flow. 9-10: acknowledges and worships God, and asks for His will because that's what we should desire and it's the way that would bring us peace. 11: Asks God to bless us for this particular day, 12: Asks for mercy because we are fleshly beings who are susceptible to sin, 13: A request for protection from sin and the enemy, and ends on acknowledging and reverencing his power - which speaks to our faith and belief in Him (scriptures says our faith, even the size of a mustard seed will produce results). This structure is what we should mirror in prayer, particularly when you don't know where to start.

  4. Be reflective. Use reflection to inspire your prayers!: When you're able to look at where you are, where you've been, and where you need to go, trust me it will give you something to pray about. And if you find that you have nothing to reflect on then you need to pray and ask God to open your eyes to see the truth about your life. As children of God, we need to have revelation about our lives. How can you just be living, existing with no sense of self? If you find yourself feeling lost, then know that you need to go on your knees with the scriptures and ask God to tell you who are, ask Him to take you to scriptures that reveal to you what it means to be His child (Psalm 139:14, Romans 8:14-23, etc.)

  5. Make declarations: When you read God's word you see that David prayed and made declarations (Ye I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil -- I am city upon a hill whose light can't be dimmed. --- The Lord is my keeper --- I will hide underneath the shadow of His wings and the terror that flies by day and night will not come near me) It's not just for us to read these words as text on a page but for us to take it and use it as deliverance from all that comes to wreak havoc on our peace, freedom, and prosperity. The power of decreeing and declaring is significant in helping us free our minds and deepening our faith and belief in God.

  6. Establish a Rhythm, but create room for spontaneous prayer: Now you all know this, you need consistency. We can't just talk about prayer we have to be about it. So, please create a schedule or make a plan whatever that will make you disciplined but don't let that limit the moments where you just need to pray right there and right now. Embrace that God might ask you to come and meet with him at 3am or 3pm, despite your prayer time being at 6am or 6pm. When He calls you answer, just like when we call He answers. This could be a really great starting or building point to further your prayer life and start to see your prayers produce fruit. I hope this blesses you!


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