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Mastering the Process of Progress

From childhood to adulthood, student to employee, child of the world to child of God; these are processes. Life is filled with a range of processes that lead to the progress of our lives. What I'm reminded of daily is that progress doesn't happen in one fluid movement instead, it comes with turns and some bumps along the road, it may seem imperfect as it is happening but ultimately the process isn't without purpose. It isn't meant to be 'perfect' its meant to empower and equip us for that next level. You see, progress doesn't occur without movement, meaning there has to be activity for it to be happening and this is what I would define as the process.

Just so we're all aligned, according to Google: Merriam Webster, progress is defined as; forward or onward movement toward a destination.

What process are you in the middle of right now? What has your attention and where is it taking you?

Did you know that sometimes when we're in a process we can miss the purpose of the process we're in? It's safe to say that whether you acknowledge it or not, God always has a process to advance our progress. Because our progress is important to him, even when we're far gone or hyper-aware He'll reveal himself in it.

I'm sharing all of this because as I prayed for courage recently, these words about the process of my progress I realized that I need new courage for each new process He takes me through. This means that while my cup of courage was full at one point, now that I've leveled up this cup has expanded and needs a refreshing.

Think about where you are in the journey to progress, think about what process you're in and what impacts it's having on you. To master the process of progress means to be comfortable with change, growth, discomfort, and pleasure all at the same time.

Now, that I'm married (YES! Your girl got married. We'll talk about this soon but glory to God, I'm a whole wife!) I'm in a whole new process that I can't master without the help of God. I still have my everyday responsibilities and I still have things I'm expecting, so more has been added to my process in the midst of my progress. I've now this before but what I'm realizing more now is that each level requires something different of us, we should take the time to understand what is required so we can make wise decisions and refuse to back down from the overwhelm.

Instead, we should press into God and know that the creator of this journey will help us in the process. Progression is a requirement in our lives as children of God, so God won't leave us to attempt progress alone. He offers us His spirit, strength, wisdom, love, and new mercies. We have what we need to go through the process without falling, and even when it threatens to interrupt us along the way God can still lift us up. Are you going to fully trust that the process is meant to be an experience?


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